Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Thursday, January 9, 2014



Fellow citizens, greetings of love, peace, unity and prosperity to you all. It is now high time to awake from slumber and lukewarmness to the affairs which concerns us as a people living now and in the generations to come.
We have received the baton now through GEJ who is like a Moses confronting the Pharaohs of Nigeria and saying let the people go! The truth is that these Pharoahs are refusing to heed the voice of reason and time, rather they are regrouping and rebranding themselves to deceive those who are weak among us with tribal and religious sentiments.
These same Pharoahs have sworn to make GEJ fail at the detriment of the nation. They do not care if the nation is in shambles or in any form of economic and institutional comatose so long as they reclaim back the power that seems now out of their grip. It is our collective duty to make GEJ succeed at all cost. It is our collective duty not to allow the baton to fall back to the old order. When they brought out OBJ from prison they told us this is the leader they (the Pharaohs) can trust.
Fellow citizens wake up now and see with your enlightened minds. The future of this great country belongs to you and me and to our children born and yet unborn. I can see we are all at the valley of confusion and decision at this critical moment. These Pharoahs have had their time and day and they took us nowhere. GEJ is the Moses that will hand us to the Joshua of our time. We must all fall behind GEJ now and forget the old order ganging up who never cared whether we lived or died, whether we had lights or water, or whether we had affordable and effective healthcare at all, they gave us no mordern highways, seaports, railways and airports for over forty years with all the resources God abundantly bestowed upon this land.
Eight years of GEJ will leave a legacy unrivaled compared to the past 43 years of the rule of the Pharaohs.
The battle is about freeing our future now or further enslaving it. The old order has got to cease and the status quo has got to change!
It begins now and it begins with you and me!!!

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