Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Saturday, August 30, 2014



Like a gift from God and like a reward from the Almighty is a good woman.
She does you good all her days and wraps her arms around you like a shield against all that is contrary.
Be not carried away by beauty or gifts of man or matter.
She is not among the crowd or in the social hub
By the well she is
Ready to water your flocks and tend your garden
Her comforts are more than a mother's care
You do not have to break a leg pursuing her
For she knows her appearing is
Like the light of the morning,
When the sun rises, even a morning without clouds;
As the tender grass springing out of the earth
By clear shining after the rain.
And like a blessed fountain watering all your garden

Proverbs 31: 10 -31

Shabbat Shalom

‪#‎asinthebeginning‬ ‪#‎seeking‬ ‪#‎letsgo‬ ‪#‎tabernacleworshipnow‬
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Is there still left any Conscience?

Oh how mankind is losing its conscience very rapidly in this hour! Now we are seeing many variations and deviations of the truth of the gospel.  Our women and little children tortured and beheaded and the Church is not stirred. Every one seeks his own way and pleasure. What really is our quest and reason for living?

Oh Lord please keep me from missing the mark and following the maddening crowd.

- Apostle Patrice Ekeke-Yehuda

Monday, August 25, 2014

Ebola: Oh Africa my Africa!

Ebola: Oh Africa my Africa!

Watching CNN news report on the Ebola crises especially in Liberia and Sierra Leone my heart is broken deeply at the terrible devastation of this plague. It is really a plague and not just like any thing ever seen. A plague that makes you turn and run away from your loved ones and regard them as if cursed. Now I wish that the African renaissance and brotherhood could rise up to the challenge seeing that Africa is left alone and abandoned.  Like Michael Jackson sang "they don't really care about us"! What strategic action has Africa and all its researchers done since the outbreak of this plague? Absolutely nothing to my knowledge.  African leaders are a shame and a failure. They lack vision and cohesion and can not see that one fallen nation is an index that they all stand no chance whatsoever should the calculus and seasons turn the other way around.  Oh Africa my Africa I weep for you! Why are you such a continent of untold woes and sorrows? Why are you cursed with  evil, selfish, wicked, mediocre and visionless leaders? Our fellow brethren are quarantined and left to die with no humanitarian aid supplies of any kind. Oh Africa, why can you not take up your own fight against a common plague?  Should not an injury to one be an injury to all? Who is gonna fight for us but ourselves? I saw the agonies and the pains of my brothers and sister in  Liberia and Sierra Leone and no one cares from North to South and from East to West.
Oh that God could bless me now. I want to establish a billion dollar African medical research facility to not compare but to exceed the finest that the West can boast of.  Two American citizens were infected and they were flown back to the USA at the same time a Nigerian doctor was battling for her life in Lagos. A British citizen was medically evacuated to London to be treated. The Liberian and the Nigerian doctor were left to die even when the Nigerian President pleaded that the same cocktail of treatment be released for the treatment of the Nigerian doctor. We are all alone here in Africa.
Africa, wake up an injury to one is an injury to all. I am not a Liberian nor a Sierra Leonean but I am an African. I am truly an African and I have travelled to more of this continent and seen the thread of our oneness. The curse of Africa is nothing but its political elite and leaders. Oh God please be merciful to my Africa and heal it of this plague. Oh Lord please save my people in Africa and send to Africa a Moses and a Joshua for such a time as this.

I declare by the Living God that Africa is not the continent of the expendables!  We are each worth the value of any human created on the face of this earth

Oh Africa, my Africa!

- Apostle Patrice Ekeke - Yehuda


I have never ceased to declare that which the Lord God is revealing in this hour to nations and leaders. The records and evidences are there for every one who doubts to judge for himself or herself. This vision of 24th August,  2014 is for those of them among the leaders of the West who has ears to hear and to find a moment to seek counsel from the Ancient of Days.
I saw and beheld as ISIS in a blitzkrieg took over the cities of the Western world - before the world could wake up and know what is going on. They took countless captives everywhere - children, women and the defenceless.  There was no way to escape as confusion reigned everywhere. Chaos in the cities of the West. People were violently separated from their loved ones. ISIS snipers had taken over all rooftops - reign of confusion and fear as men, women and children were herded mercilessly like animals for slaughter and uncertainty.
This vision left me for hours in a state of weakness and deep reflections and it is clear that the Nations of the West seems to be cast into a deep sleep now by the lawless and Wicked One of darkness.
Let them who will hear take heed while there is still time.
- Apostle Dr Patrice Yehuda

Sunday, August 17, 2014

NIGERIA: The Crumbling of the Kaduna Mafia

The vision of 15th August 2014 came around 09.20am in broad daylight.

In the vision, the Lord showed  me some elements in Kaduna (Kaduna mafia) who are very restless and not comfortable but grumbling and complaining bitterly that none of their course mates are anywhere in the political landscape for the coming elections. 

 In the visions they put out serious charges to castigate the person of the man at the helm. I ended up having a very heated exchange of words with their leader and spokesman in the vision..........It seems to me in the vision that this establishment as they could be labelled are in a do or die and now or never state of desperation.

Nigerians must pray against every satanic clique of domination and control that refuses to let Nigeria and Nigerians breathe some fresh air of deliverance from their clutches.

The heavens are watching and so are the watchmen on the walls! 


- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Of Empty Validity

"Here on earth I seek no validity. My validity is in heaven and that is all that matters to me not what any mortal may think or assume in this passing and fading realm of emptiness.

Believe me when I say this, everyone has faults and this is not the abode of the perfect or perfection.
The Lord spoke a word that is still burning in my heart. He said "are your stones as the stars of the curtains". No need for me to break this down for you. Drop your stones and leave it all till that final day.

Whatever we call our best or the best is simply yet nothing compared to the measuring reed of heaven. I f you are seeking your validity here among men, seek them no more my friends. I would long have been finished if my testimony were to be found among men and on this realm. I seek nothing but the testimony that shall come from the Lord Jesus Christ before the Father on my behalf" "

- Patrice Ifeanacho Yehuda 

Friday, August 15, 2014

NIGERIA: The Janjaweed Establishment, the Crown and the Seat!

In the vision of the Lord given on 12 August, 2014, what I beheld was monstrously striking and bewildering to say the least. I was brought into the center of the picture to behold the bullish  arrogance and beastly nature of the Establishment who seemed deceived into believing that they are the paramount owners of Nigeria, its land and its resources and therefore its Kingmakers. The Lord said to tell them this:

"the Crown and the throne has been taken away by Him who gives the Crown and appoints thrones upon the earth. Every throne on earth is the Lord's and He is the governor among the nations"

I see in the vision that PGEJ is about to make a lousy mistake. He needs lots of prayers and godly counsel that he must do well to take heed to. He must not concede a foothold or compromise or seek to appease the godless and avaricious ones who will never be satiated no matter what.