Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Wednesday, December 7, 2016





They are coming!

The marauders are coming.

The Janjaweed hordes are coming!

They have perfected the strategy of their agenda! They are an evil clan and race. They take what is not theirs by force.

Watch it closely for a brother hired by them will surely supplant and betray his kin.

Buhari did not come to rule with a good heart. He is a bittered and vindictive soul. The Church got taken through an Apostate Vice-President that is the dumbest of the lot - the baggage carrier of his dark masters!

Shame on the ecclesiastical preachers and leaders for they have lost their salt and blinded by the glitz and glamour of the materialistic show of shame.

Nigeria is done and gone!

Nigeria has been taken!

There are no sentinels upon the walls.

The Janjaweed hordes have taken the gates and are upon the walls while the sentinels slumberred from the wine of their religious concoctions.

Who shall deliver the called out ones and the poor of the land?

Does anyone understand?

Does anyone see clearly from this morass?

It is strange but it is true! They are already within the gates of the cities!

Lots of smokescreens and decoys!

What and why does Nigeria need a useless ecclesiastical court for? Which country on earth has ever established one before? What is really an ecclesiastical court?

All Muhammadu Buhari had all his  life was nothing but a Jihadist Islamization agenda. Nigerians can die in their millions of hunger he cares nothing. He is a heartless stone and lying deceiver. He has no conscience but the destruction that awaits him will be chilling indeed!

Wake up the mighty men of valor. Any South East/South South politician that aligns with the tyrant will have eternal shame and dishonor unto his third and fourth generation and a blot that no fuller's soap shall be able to wash away.

The LORD of Hosts shall by terrible things in righteousness deliver the called out ones from a crashing edifice.

They think they own tomorrow. They are not sober or penitent for the cultish evils they brought upon the land and upon the people. They are already scheming for 2019 while the gullible ones and the brown envelope media are already trumpeting their names for lousy stipends. A people with no shame and no conscience!

As are the leaders so are the majority of the people!

What I have received I have told you. You can choose to believe or not but surely the counsel is true and faithful.

I am only a Watcher!

GOD  shall deliver and restore Biafra and she shall shine bright with glorious honor forever!

As always May GOD bless #Biafra and all those who love her forever!

Under Solemn Oath

Shi ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda

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