Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Friday, April 7, 2017




In my youth I saw a lot of horrible things. I was sick and tired of fake and plastic Christianity. I sought for truth with all my heart sleepless nights upon sleepless nights till my nights turned into day even till date. I had no more nights as my whole system was reconfigured and I have never been able to have the normal nights sleep ever since.

My earthly father gave me the sort of love one hardly sees anywhere anymore. I was more than precious to my aunties. All I ever had were aunties as my dad was an only son of the lineage. The brief years my earthly father spent with me before he passed away were memorably etched deep in my consciousness. I learnt discipline and principle! I learnt to give nothing but the utmost and to take nothing but the utmost from life! My dad taught me to stand my ground and never fear anyone on earth no matter who. He thought me about truth and integrity and that I must live it out.

Once in the primary school in Lagos just immediately after the war, my  teacher had sort of slapped me in class and I came back home sick. I developed mumps and my dad asked me what happened to me and I just told him my teacher slapped me. The following monday morning I was kept home sick and did not know my dad had after reporting at his office by Western House on Broad Street had taken off to my school and literally shook the school to its foundations with the headmaster and the particular teacher involved. That was it. When I got well and back to school the headmaster and my class teacher summoned me to know why I reported to my dad that the teacher slapped me but I fearfully denied that I told my dad anything. From that day my teacher never laid a hand on me or even brought any cane close to me.

My dad was a part of  the Biafra Boys Company and fought as a Captain in the Biafran Army. The rest is a story for another day. Wait for it!

I know my roots and I know my history. I am of a noble and ancient race of the Biafrans! Nigeria is nothing but an artificial creation by an agent of the Colonial British Empire. I know clearly where I stand on any issue no matter how dicey it may be. I may not have reached where I need to be but I clearly know who I am and where I am headed to. I tell you this today,  like Moses, there may be confusion upon the vision and you may be wandering in the Midian desert but surely that which is written no mortal or circumstance can erase or defeat.

In STORY 2, I shall tell you what is behind "Under Solemn Oath". This is in response to many inbox messages.

I love who I am! I love my nativity and my people passionately.

#NnamdiKanu is the Moses of our time standing in humiliation and trial on our behalf. I stand with all that I am with Nnamdi Kanu come what may even if we have to pull down these heavens!

Any Biafran that does not wake up now to stand with Nnamdi Kanu is a vagabond efulefu!

#Biafra is a done deal in the courts of the Eternal One in heaven. I swear under solemn oath that instead of there being no restoration of Biafra then there shall be no more heavens over this earth!

We are here and Biafra is here!

May GOD bless Biafra and all those who love her forever!

Under Solemn Oath

Shi ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda

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