Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Saturday, October 6, 2018





This present Biafra quest for restoration is a movement of prophecy! No movement of prophecy has ever been hindered, delayed or terminated by any earthly Tyrant or Potentate whosoever he may be under these heavens!

Behind every movement of prophecy are all the eternal powers of the KING OF ETERNITY  who marshals his hosts for the day and the  hour appointed!

We warned of calamities upon calamities, and plagues upon plagues!  We warned of conflagrations and conflagrations! We told you the seat of power of the House of the Feudal Lords of the Deserts shall be covered with the cloud of a very great darkness and they shall not be able to tell that which shall befall them!

What we tell you, is what it is and what it shall be!

Let no man be deceived by any jamboree visit of any so-called man of GOD or company of men of GOD visiting the personality  at the VILLA of the ROCK at ASO to endorse or utter vain prayers for the bloody Tyrant.

There is that which is crooked which no man can make straight!

Moses never betrayed his race and people for any favors with Pharoah and for the praise and honor of the Egyptians! Elijah stood and rebuked Ahab of Jezebel without seeking the favors of the king and through the powers of his mantle were the heavens shut over the land for three and half years!

We told you that nothing shall ever work in the contraption and so shall it be! The rulers themselves shall be driven to madness and confusion and they shall see no way out!


The only way out shall be to let Biafra go, but for the hardness of their hearts  and bitter hatred of the ancient and noble people, they shall reject all counsels and grope on in the dark to their final destruction!

Nigeria shall be devastated and brought to nothing for the judgments shall be fully served and through the doorway of conflict shall Biafra be free forever and shining in the glory of eternal salvation.

The death of every single Biafran killed by the Janjaweed hosts of the Nigerian State and their allies shall be fully avenged!  Yes, every single Biafran death shall be fully accounted for!  No single death of the children of the ancient and noble people shall be in vain!

Counsels have gone out day after day from UPON THE WATCH and we can not hold our peace until that which is determined is done! We have tried to hold our peace but the ETERNAL and INFINITE ONE would not let us till #BIAFRA is restored and secured forever!


May JEHOVAH LORD GOD ALMIGHTY bless Biafra and all those who love her forever!

Under Solemn Oath

Shi ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda

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