Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Saturday, January 5, 2019





All the days of our lives  have all played out before we began to live in them! All endings  were known from the beginning! All the seasons and years were all marked out, the epochs and eras of kings  and kingdoms,  nations and empires, the human mountains and valleys and the very day that the curtains fall upon all creation were all sealed in the books. Also of the night that knows no morning and of the morning that knows no night were all sealed upon the pillars of eternity.

All life is but a script eternally written in the books to which human examinations within the days of probation are nothing but refining fires to the precious gems and as fullers soap to the garments stained along the sojourns of time!

There is none here on this side of eternity, who is locked into time who came into being by the act of his own will and power. Those who were to live or who choose to live by their own will and power are those who can or should prove to all the ages that they came into being by the act of their own will and power!

WE ARE ALL WAYFARING MEN AND THIS  WORLD IS A HOTEL! There are no permanent lodgers!

Sacred Scrolls Luke 19: 10, 1 Peter 1: 17

Under Solemn Oath

Shi ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda

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