Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Saturday, November 7, 2020





The man of Good luck is the man who stumbled upon a chance! He runs to his adversaries seeking every way to win  their hearts thinking by that he shall be sustained upon the chance! He is lily-livered, heeded no divine counsel because he has no heart for divine counsels! He is actuated by only the adulations of men and all he seeks is nothing but the honor and award that comes from the men and the systems of the world!

This man has no backbone and no fight in him! He is just a man of luck and that is all there is to him! He is not a man of destiny and understandeth not what is Destiny! He understands not the hidden backdoor that luck grants to destiny! He simply and fearfully threw it away! He found solace in the feeble ideology framed unto him by his hyoocritical and double-faced kitchen crew!

The flock he assumed he was preserving became helplessly and hopelessly left at the mercy of the devouring Janjaweed lions, jackals and the  heartless and cruel  tyrant and his gang who came under the cover of grand lies, deceptions and propaganda! Has the blood  ever since  ceased to flow according to his touted wisdom?

Because of his ideology, there has been no peace to the flock and the blood of the flock has never ceased to flow all over the land while he struts around with the false honor drawn upon the blood of the flock!

This man because he understood not destiny nor the purpose of time and chance knew not what it meant to preserve the flock nor fight for the soul of his sheep, family or nation! He is just nothing but a man of luck! He has no balls to fight for right and truth! He quits and throws in the towel and thinks to counsel those who care to listen to his garbage!

He left a legacy whereby the ones who came by hook and crook assumed the AUTHORITY OF IMPUNITY! These crooked ones whom he gave the space legalized all impunity by iniquity and all iniquity by impunity! These crooked ones added a chapter to the book titled “THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS”

This man is the Jonathanian GOODLUCK!


The man of destiny is an Arrow-shot from eternity with a burning and a blazing purpose which actuates all his goings and comings! He seeks no human adulations or praise! He cares not what all in the world thinks or thinks not of him! He is a man sent on a mission and with a mandate and purpose outside of all  human imaginations and calculations!

He must get the job done without forging or forming any alliances whatsoever or seeking any Institutional endorsements!  He does not rest and shall not rest till the purpose is fulfilled and the mandate achieved! He is hated by all the supposedly intelligent, unintelligent, enlightened and unenlightened ones who are under the mind-control mechanisms of the MSM and the PRINCE  OF THE POWER OF THE AIR!  ( Ephesians 2: 2 )

This man seeks no award nor honor that comes from men or the systems of the world;  for he came to reset the buttons that governs and operates the systems of this world! He is a restrainer and a terror to the lawless ones of darkness and their evil agenda for humanity and  creation!

The man of destiny spares not the wicked any arrows from his quiver! He is ready to lay his own honor down and even his life for the sheep! He sees afar off and he sets his mandate clearly before his view!

He does not buckle out of fear, does not negotiate with his sworn adversaries but with a steadied gaze and eyes of fire meets them head on! He saves the soul of his nation and does not sheepishly hand it over to the Anarchists, the Immorals, the Marauders/Janjaweeds, the Globalists or the Satanic Earth-keepers!

The man of destiny is a DIVINE WARRIOR!


Now, use your tongue to count your teeth!

Which among these two suits this age and this present world order and system? Which among these two truly loves the flock and is ready to preserve them?
Let us desire to live in the nation and in the era of the Don and the Trumpman instead of in the nation and era of the Jonathanian Goodluck!

Case Closed!

Under Solemn Oath

Shi ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda
( Nna Ańawanti )

Please SHARE wide now

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