Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Saturday, April 20, 2024





Every man is a wondering and wandering soul having lost 90 percent  of his reasoning  frequency by which he is connected to the operating frequencies of the Universe...

So they come under the control and influence of the contrary powers of the air... every man is a boat lost at  sea subject to the currents....

If you are an Igbo and you are posting rubbish to destroy or pull down ERISCO or any Igbo iconic brand... think again real hard and stop being senseless....stop being a "USEFUL IDIOT" or "USEFUL IDIOTS"....

So many lack reasoning and are being used without even knowing it by the controlling powers of the system...

Do you have any  idea if  the girl in question was hired on a mission to destroy the brand?

Never judge until you have ALL  the facts of the matter.

What about when  the girl  was asked to render and tender apology and she refused and ran to the courts instead... who were the behind-the-scene elements engineering her and trying to use her?

Then, when they are done,  their Sugar, Rice and Cement Mogul,  the Chief Treasurer of the House of the Feudal Lords of the Deserts will now venture and control the gold mine of the tomato paste industry at last....

Use your tongue to count your teeth umunnem....

Where is ACB, PROGRESS, SAVANNAH, DIAMOND, etc, etc, etc....? Are these not the financial  powerhouse and vaults of a certain peoples economy?

One by one your marketplaces are being incinerated and going down in flames one after the other.... just like that? Why?

Do you know that the master Banker and entrepreneur extra-ordinary was clean eliminated so they could take over his business empire?

Wait till they zero you out of controlling the Banking Vaults and see what happens next.....

Unu o ga agba aka nkiti eje ala Kanaan?

They are going to the roots first before they come for the trunk of the tree and the leaves... by then it will be too late to realise what was at play...

Do you know how many others are being targeted? Do you know how deep the plot against a people are? Yet, the people refused to open their eyes or understand the game at play!

Many of them said they are not Igbo and they re-jigged their surnames and the names of their towns  in order to evade the stereotyping.... and chose to mingle with the Oppressors and to enjoy dinner at the table of the House of the Feudal Lords... forsaking their ancestral identities... yet at some point in time the chicken will always come home to roost... for every river that disconnects from its source will sooner or later dry up... no matter how far and how wide its banks are...

Day and Night we worry about our people... yet the people plunges themselves deeper and deeper into slumber and into the contrariness of their unique and central manifest destiny by choosing the ways of error... choosing and elevating idolatry and the Babylonian Cult of Worship  above the CREATOR who masterfully crafted their unique positioning and dominance  in the UNIVERSE!

Unu muru anya and let #Nigeria no use una play chess games against yourselves...


Were okwua mee ihe soro gi!

Ahia zusia ndi mmuo ezuko na ahia!


We remain,

Under Solemn Oath

Shi ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda
( Nna Añawanti)

Please SHARE wide now

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