Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Thursday, September 4, 2014

That Seat is not for You!

Watching and listening to what is going on and what is being said left and right by those who know and by those who know not, I am compelled in my spirit to write this from my heart. As always I write from my heart and for the records both for time and for eternity. My stand must be crystal clear at all times because if there is anything we are otherwise minded the Sovereign Lord will reveal to us clearly.

This issue of a certain man of God falling or going through a major and terrible crisis should not be a cause of gladness or joy of vindication by those who seems to be somehow not his followers or in any way not impressed by his style of ministry. Let truth be told, there is absolutely nothing that will impress the children of men no matter how heavenly or how earthly it may appear. There will always be  mockers and scoffers, and those who love to celebrate  a fall. There will always be those who seek their own selfish vindication. This reminds me  of the great controversy that has raged for all the ages for those who will understand.

I am reminded of the scenario that occurred while I was growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord . There was then crisis in the local church ministry where I was raised . Every day the issue bothered on the senior Pastor did this or did that. Everyone was talking, some this way and some other way according to the angle of their viewing. After a few days of soaking in the stories I opened my mouth and uttered words like "why would Pastor do such a thing?". That was it my friends and the adversary had gotten me exactly where he wanted. That night I had a vision preparing me for the messenger the Lord was sending to me. The Lord will always show me when He is sending a Messenger to me. He sent messengers like Prophet Nathan to King David whenever He chose not to speak to him directly. The next day this elderly woman walked up to me after the evening service and pulled me somewhat aside from the crowd and said to me " the Lord said to tell you JUDGMENT WILL KILL YOU". I almost died on the spot as my mind flashed instantly to the event of the day before and how that night my sleep was troubled.  I went home and laid all night before the Lord in repentance. Since that day till date I purposed never to stand in the place of the judgement of any man of God no matter what the whole world may have to say or no matter their glaring errors I will rather look away. The seat of judgment was not meant for me. Angels judge not even themselves or the children of men.

On this side of eternity we will be full of many errors and weaknesses.  We all shall be tried and buffeted by the greatest adversary of our souls. None will be immune no matter his elevation or position. The higher you are the greater the trials and the fall.  Smite the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered. I have watched and observed that those who started preaching just yesterday seem to be the ones who think they know it all.

There is one thing I have come to know and that is that no matter what, every man's fiercest trial will not fail to come. Every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.  Your trial might be at the onset or beginning of your assignment, ministry, marriage, business etc.,  or at the middle or towards the latter stage or ending of it.  Whatever  comes to you in the beginning or middle stages you must overcome and whatever comes to you toward the latter stages you must endure to the end.

Like I have always said no one is better than the other and no one is worse than the other in any way. We are all in the battle and in the race to overcome the greatest adversary of our hopes and glory. We are all saved by grace and we all are under grace. It is only the ones who are not under grace that can judge. Make no mistakes about this lest you go quoting it to me. I know what you will say but here it is. We are to judge the world and angels but until then the seat is not meant for us here now. So please get off that seat!!!


- Apostle Patrice Ekeke - Yehuda

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