Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Monday, January 11, 2016



This word spoken every seconds, the words we love to hear and the words that has the deepest depths but hardly and scarcely reached beyond the surface. Men only scratch the surface of it. it is the sweetest symphony that the ears has never imagined and no taste-bud is sufficient to savor its aroma. The evil one created its equivalent in order to bastardize it? The fallen angels desired it but could not come close to its purity and power. It was beyond the realm and reach of the unfallen worlds for they could only hear the fame of it.
Love that existed before all and the mystery behind all creation yet hardly known or experienced. Love untainted in essence and beauty! Love that is the purest essence of Divinity and the binding cord of the Father and the Son before the ages were and this binding cord becomes the life-stream or umbilical cord holding all creation together to the Godhead.
Oh my God, my heart skips and skips and skips at these mysteries. Oh that the children of men will come to this knowledge for which all Creation groans together and is waiting.
Let me pause here.....

ShI ya nje!

DrPatrice Yehuda

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