Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Friday, January 8, 2016



In 2014 I wrote an article on my blog titled The End Game. Some took the article seriously and some did not. Just as we have watched events unfold according to the timelines set for them in the eternal calendar and not one has failed. I will re-post the same article later on this timeline.
I stand here today with full convictions of the time and of the events that is secretly unfolding before our eyes. All events have spiritual significance and carry coded messages of an eternal determination which those who are spiritually ignorant may wrestle to their own destruction.
The truth is man did not create himself and neither does he govern his own affairs nor understand the mystery of the history of the world hidden in the time in which he is locked in. God controls all affairs and is the determinant power concerning all issues and counsels of men and nations.
On March 29, 2015, I wept so deep and hard upon the altar because I felt the thick darkness come upon a certain nation which was the aftermath of an election.
I see strange events happening around the world, cranes falling everywhere, destruction beyond human explanations, catastrophes defying human reasoning. The Eiffel Tower was flattened. The West should watch for their iconic and historic structures targeted by the marauders and murderers.
NIGERIA: They sought power ferociously and desperately but the Lord Most High took away from them the reasoning and wisdom of governance so that they are now like men groping in the dark very confused with the power but blaming and hounding every voice of dissent. Pray for this nation in the throes of thick darkness because they refused the counsel of the Lord and chose their own desserts. The military shall crack and there shall be rebellion to wicked orders. I see a dead man in a casket carried out from the Seat!
NDIGBO: Massive homecoming from all over the world with all their seed in December 2016. it is the year of your jubilee.
BIAFRA: This vision has spanned a period of 15 years and has not abated from the Lord of Hosts. #Biafra is a reality and a determination of the heavens. No mortal on earth or #tyrantbuhari, or any earthly empire shall be able to stop its restoration. Should #tyrantbuhari think to kill Biafra or Nnamdi Kanu by any wicked counsel, then Nigeria shall become a very huge bonfire and from the ashes of its ruin Biafra shall rise glorious before the nations. #Putin shall have a role to play in the mystery of Biafra. Nigeria can empty its armory and treasury yet it shall not prevail - for every life that is killed or lost among the Biafrans there shall be a heavy woe and tempest of affliction upon the wicked ones. There shall be an inquisition for every blood that is shed and the wicked shall dissolve away as a smoke. I pity all those who shall betray or rise against Biafra. I see what shall become their shameful end.
USA: Go to my blog and read the End Game! The enemy is within and no longer outside your gates. The enemy is the one you celebrated! Now the end begins! Oh America, America, America!
I shall re-post some of the prophecies on this timeline in the days to come.
I am only a messenger and a Watcher!

ShI ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda​

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