Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Tuesday, February 13, 2018






The Fulanis can only be tolerated in #NIGERIA. Outside of Nigeria no race or people anywhere can tolerate them and their arrogant stupid fiefdom let alone accommodate them. They know that very well and that is why they are clinging to Nigeria for dear life! They are a stone age caste whose only contribution to the human race is cattle rearing, misery and mayhem. They are the most sly and cunning brood who took advantage of the cracks among the various ethnic nationalities that make up the amalgamated Nigeria.

Whatever they touch, they destroy! Whatever gets into their hands never flourishes! No country in Africa could have tolerated or entertained them as they have been accommodated in Nigeria. This is due largely to the costly mistake of the visionless leadership of the other nationalities at the onset of independence.

The brains behind the first coup saw the dangers before everyone could wake up from sleep no matter how they spin  the narratives of that coup  by those who follow the scripts as given to them by the house of the feudal lords and the agents of the imperialists.

The next coup of Gideon Orkar was to have completely dismantled the foundations and the pillars of the oligarchy, and completely obliterated the mafia which is the think-tank strategists and power holders for the House of the Caliph. What went wrong was OVERZEALOUSNESS and a lack of tactfulness in timing and execution.

Above all and beyond that was the divine DETERMINATION and COUNSEL which must allow the processing of certain events and personalities unto the fullness of time and the divinely appointed season. The times must be fullfilled, the cup of  iniquities must overflow and the tally completed. There were those who were restless and could not  allow the STATUS QUO and the brigandish manner of the OLD ORDER rooted in the seat of the CALIPH to continue to fester and ruin the destinies of the people.

When we told the world that nothing shall work henceforth in the contraption until it be completely and fully dismantled, no one believed. We told the world that all wisdom and knowledge of governance has been withdrawn from the Cabal and they shall grope seriously in the dark.


What is not spoken or written is always much more than what is spoken and written! 

What is revealed can still not compare nor equal what is not yet revealed!


May the ETERNAL ONE, the Onye ndu UmuBiafra na elu uwa bless Biafra and all those who love her forever!

Under Solemn Oath

Shi ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda

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