Bliss Essences

the journey to unveiling all my innermost longings and passions of quest , thoughts and reflections on the full depth of life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true knowledge of God! - John 17 : 3
- Apostle Dr. Patrice Yehuda

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Random on Marble!

I remember when the Lord spoke this words into my ears in Igbo
"Onye obula Jihova kpolitere, gwuzo gi de ya oto, anaghi ada ada"
To my global friends here is the interpretation
"Any one that Jehovah the Living God raises up and plants his feet to stand can never ever fall or fail"
As you enter this new season of life and you are covenanted with the Lord, no force or power whatsoever shall be able to pull you down or uproot you from your sure destiny and place.
You shall surely stand in your lot and no matter how long it takes your portion shall without fail come to you!
Shi ya nje!

"I have so much to do with my life and time that I am always persuaded that time waits for no one. Look behind you and you will see a generation fast on your heels telling you and me to do whatever we have to do and get out of the way for them."
Shi ya nje!

"This is what I know deep in my heart that time is uncompromising, unrelenting, unforgiving, and irreversible. Time just keep ticking and ticking and ticking. We can not call back or approach time with any petitions or supplications as to demand any understanding. We are bound to its ticking and ticking and ticking whether we like it or not, or whether we are ready, prepared and willing or not. Time just goes on and on and on. So make hays while the sun shines!"
Shi ya nje!

"Never wait for men and never chase after men. Cease running with men and desire to run with horses and chariots. Move to another gear, raise your standard and look away from the mediocre ones. Eternity is gradually unfolding and inching closer than we know and yet we are still a shadow of the real manifestations. The tables are going to be upturned and there is going to be a cessation of the status quo. Raise the standards now!"   

- Apostle Patrice Ekeke-Yehuda

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